HDR (宽动态)
宽动态(HDR)是通过显示屏上表现出的图像/视频动态范围的提高, 跟输入图像相比提高输出图像的可视性的IP。
BTREE HDR有按照用户的要求可调整HDR 输出强度, 可选使用领域等的特点。
- 2-BUS / 4-BUS of Interface
- 10 bit of Bit-Processing
- ROI Support
◦ Region of Interest
- Automatic Generation of HDR Gain Curve
- Increased Visibility due to Increased Dynamic Range on Screen
CEO 金钟苾
Address 5th Floor, 41, Seongnam-daero, 925 beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
Fax +82-31-696-6840 Tel +82-31-731-8175
Copyright ⓒ BTREE All right reserved.
BTREE Co.,Ltd.
CEO Philip Kim
Address 5th Floor, 41, Seongnam-daero, 925 beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
Fax +82-31-696-6840 Tel +82-31-731-8175
Copyright ⓒ BTREE All right reserved.